in Austria
The marriage records for the families in Kaltenlautsch are different from those we normally see in the United States, in that the person is identified by his profession and his house number. In Austria, generation after generation was likely to live in the same house. In fact, even today, it is possible to see the exact location where family members lived for centuries. Some of the old houses are now only a heap of rocks, but in other cases, pieces of the old home have been used as a part of the building of a new home on the same ground. Churches, too, were built, one after the other, on the exact same location where the previous church stood.
In the case of our Fritscher family, since Fritscher was a very common name in the region, it would be difficult to distinguish one Johann Fritscher from another Johann Fritscher without the distinction of an occupation or profession and a home address.
Note that in these records, the location is given as Studena Loucka, since today that is the name of the village, now a part of the Czech Republic. During the time our ancestors were there, the village was a part of the Austrian Empire and the village name was the German, Kaltenlautsch. The professions listed in the records below, are shown in German, and listed inside parentheses.
Johann Fritscher married Anna Ficker (Fiker) on 9 June 1846 in Studena Loucka (Kaltenlautsch).
The groom was a farm hand or tenant ("Inwohner") in house #8, single, 36 years of age.
Parents of the groom were: Johann Fritscher, retired farmer ("Ausgedinger") of Studena Loucka, and Klare,
daughter of Johann Fritscher, a settler ("Dom. Ansiedler") in Studena Loucka.
The bride, Anna Ficker, lived at house #49. She was also single, and was 19 years of age.
Parents of the bride were: Franz Ficker, farm hand or tenant (“Inwohner”) of Studena Loucka, and
Johanna Giesl, deceased, daughter of Joseph Giesl, farmer (“Gärtler”) in Studena Loucka.
Since Anna was not of age (24), her father had to give his permission for the marriage.
Witnesses were Anton Fritscher, village magistrate (“Ortsrichter”), and
Anton Fritscher, farm hand or tenant (“Inwohner”), both from Studena Loucka.
Johann Fritscher Sr. and Maria Klara FRITSCHER married 8 February 1807 in Studena Loucka (Kaltenlautsch).
Johann Fritscher, was a farmer (“Gartler”) of Studena Loucka #8, single, 28 years of age.
The bride, Klara, was the daughter of Johann Fritscher, a settler (“Ansiedler”) Studena Loucka.
Klara was single, 18 years of age.
Witnesses were Joseph Hniopek, a bricklayer (“Maurer”) of Studena Loucka and
Sebastian Kamler, a miller (“Buschmüller”) at Žadlovice (“Ziadlowitz”).
Franz Ficker/Fiker and Anna Giesl/Giessel/Gisl married 14 May 1821 in Studena Loucka (Kaltenlautsch).
The groom was Franz Ficker, veteran soldier of the Zach Infantry Regiment (“verabschiedter Gemeiner von Infanterieregiment Zach”) and tenant or farm hand (“Inmann”) of Studena Loucka #36, single, 35 years of age.
The bride was Anna, daughter of deceased Joseph Giesl, farmer (“Gärtler”) of Studena Louck #36, single and age 29 years.
Witnesses were Sebastian Haberland, village magistrate (“Richter”) and Andreas Czepa, some kind of farmer (“Bauer…ter”), both of Studena Loucka
The Catholic Marriage parish records of Studena Loucka from 1828-1905, indexed, deposited in the Olomouc branch of the Provincial Archive in Opava, Inv. No. 7094.
The Duplicates of the Birth, Marriage and Death parish records of Studena Loucka, not indexed, deposited in the Prostejov depository of the Olomouc branch of the Provincial Archive in Opava, Box No. ACO 7675.