Photographs - Page 2
Many wonderful pictures were provided as a result of the research done recently in Studena Loucka. My researcher has asked that I not provide copies of the actual pages from the record books but I have referenced those pages throughout my notes on the families. Below is a sample of how the original pages appear. All are written in German and were translated by my researcher. Where these records identify Studena Loucka in the Czech Republic, remember that until after World War I, the area was called Kaltenlautsch, and was a part of Austria.
Sample of Records as found in Studena Loucka, the area my ancestors called
Kaltenlautsch. The records are written in German.
Picture of house #8. Johann Fritscher was born at house #8 in 1810.
This is the house as it was rebuilt after a recent fire.
Johann was living with his family at #8 and working as a wind miller for about
three years when he died as a result of suicide in 1859. His wife
continued to work the windmill until 1863 when she sold it to Franz Frank.
House number from the #8 house at Studena Loucka.
House #8 is the house where the first three children of Johann Fritscher and
Anna Ficker Fritscher were born. (Anna born in 1849, Johann Bapt. in 1851
who died as a young child, and Joseph, my great-grandfather, born 1852.)
Picture of house #3 where Johann Fritscher and Anna Fiker Fritscher lived in
1857 when their son Joannes Nepomuck Bernardius Fritscher was born in 1857. This is the original
house, although it was renovated a bit after World War II.
Picture of house #3 with smoking chimney. This picture was taken from the
place where the windmill stood.
Picture of house #36 as it existed in the 1930's. The #36 house belonged
to the Giesl family parents of Anna Giesl (Fiker), the mother of Anna Fiker
Sign from #36 house of the Giesl family. The Giesls lived at this house up
to 1946 when they were expelled with other Germans to Germany according to the
Potsdam Convention.
Sign at #36 house over the doorway. The initials are those of Thomas Giesl,
brother of Anna Giesl (Fiker), and uncle of Anna Fiker Fritscher.
Thomas Giesl left his initals on a stone inside the edge of the well at house
House #36 today. Anna Fiker was born February 19, 1828 at house #36 with
the help of a midwife, Marianna Haicker from Studena Loucka #64. Her
father was Franz Ficker, and her mother was Anna Giesl.
At the time of Anna Fiker's marriage to Johann Fritscher, June 9, 1846, she was
living with her father at house #49. This house was built on the same site
as the original which was demolished after World War II.
Anna Giesl Fiker, The mother of Anna Fiker Fritscher, died at house #53 in 1841.